Best way to load large 'video' files

Hi all,

Relative newbie here… I’m working on a ‘project’ in flash that shows a series of three short videos, then has a interactive test at the end. The interactive part is supposed to be the challange, but I think I have that down. As for the videos, I originally just imported and embedded them and tacked the interactive frames on the end. However, when I created the projector file (this is to be run from a CD) it takes so long to load (especially on slow computers :wink: ) it appears to hang to the user.

At first I thought a pre-loader would solve the issue. But it seems to load all the video and/or audio before running any of the frames. The video/audio starts on frame 5, but looking through some of the pre-loader posts, I’m guessing the audio may be loading all in frame 1 regardless?? So the users never see the preloader and it still ‘appears’ to hang.

My next attempt was to save the individual videos as swf files and load them in sequence. They are about 200-300k [Edit: oops… actually 20 - 30 Meg] as swf files. However, I can get the first one to load and play, but now it seems to hang between videos. Is there a way to add a preloader in between?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


I’ve had this problem to. Anyone know how to get the pre-loader to load first???

you need to add a scene for the preloader and arrange it to be before scene 1. use insert-scene, then modify-scene.
i think thats it.