Beta testers wanted: FotoMaps flash photo gallery app

I’ve been developing a flash photo gallery product called FotoMaps in my spare time over the last 2 years. I’ve just finished developing a new version 2.0 which I need help beta testing.

I’m looking for some interested people who would be willing to spend a few hours really digging into it and giving it a workout–testing all features, looking for bugs, pinpointing areas that need improvement.

For info about FotoMaps version 1 see:
For a demo of the new and improved version 2.0 beta** see:

If you’d like to take a peek at the documentation for the new beta version see: to get an idea of what you’d be getting yourself into.

If anyone would like to help me out please express your interest by going to: and selecting “v2.0 Beta Test” as the email subject. I’ll then send you the beta test package and questionnaire to test and fill out. Those of you who provide some serious, useful feedback will be first on the list to receive complementary versions of the product once it’s ready for release.

I’d love to get a wide range of people testing it out. People with experience in web development or flash as well as those that are not nearly as computer savvy. Please let me know if you can help and I appreciate any and all feedback you’d like to give. And pass this message on to your friends or anyone you know who might be interested in photography or flash. And if there’s anyone out there who’d like to comment on it but doesn’t have time to do a full beta test, that’s fine too! Take a look at the NZ.OGRAPHY demo and just tell me what you think.
