Beware: fake Paypal mail!

I’m an idiot, I clicked the link in the mail,
well, they used the contact mail from my website,
which luckily is not my paypal mail;
still, i was dumb enuff to input my pw and submit;
I have reported to Paypal, see screengrab, so just in case: if you get this:

from :
subj: Notification of PayPal Limited Account Access
to :

body:PayPal is committed to maintaining a safe environment for its community of
buyers and sellers. To protect the security of your account, we employ the
most advanced security systems in the world and regularly screen our system
for unusual activity.

Recently, our Account Review Team identified some unusual activity in your
account. Per PayPal’s user agreement, we have limited access to your
account until this issue has been resolved. This is a fraud prevention
measure meant to ensure that your account is not compromised.

In order to secure your account and quickly restore full access, we require
some specific information from you. Please log in to your account for more

We encourage you to remove the restriction on your account as soon as
possible. Maintaining a restricted account for an extended period of time
may result in additional limitations or eventual account closure.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that
this is a security measure meant to help protect you and your account. We
apologize for any inconvenience.

The PayPal Team

Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be
answered. For assistance, please visit the link below. All of the
information necessary to restore your account access is available at:

PayPal Email ID PP190
PayPal Email ID PP316

then do not click the link/do not fill anything in!
here’s the pic: (and yeah, i’m dumb, but you know, hard day at work, tired…)
just be warned.