Bid sheet... need help finishing

Attached are the source files for my sign shop’s bidding/purchase order sheet. The concept is to make this a usable api for when a customer orders a product, I can calculate pricing, enter job descriptions and client info, log it all to a database so that I will be able to retrieve that info after reopening it and have it be editable, deletable, updateable, searchable, saveable, etc. I have FLASH 8 Pro, but I am somewhat of a novice when it comes to writing actionscript 2.0, and even more of a novice when it comes to any other language such as mysql or php. I can read and comprehend most code, but writing it is not so easy. I have tried to do some tutorials on sharedObjects, and dynamic vars from external text files, and from php form mailers. I thought that I would find something to get the results that I need, but my head is starting to hurt. Could someone please take the time to study my fla, and help get me in the right direction. I will gladly give credits for any script aid. if anyone would like to use this file for thier own purposes feel free… I am pretty proud of what I was able to do so far even though I have far to go… yeah I know… I am a newb.