Hi, Thank you in advance for any help. Would really appreciate any.
Basically, what i’m trying to do is to change the color of the body of my fish.png to a colorpicker selectedColor.
but then i’m encountering problem with the floodfill method…Whenever I pick a color, it would change the body to transparent.
and there seems to be little information, hence my posting here… Please do highlight to me if there is anyway to tidy up my codes. Thank you once again.
fishfishfish is the linkage of fish.png in library.
import fl.controls.ColorPicker;
import fl.events.ColorPickerEvent;
import flash.events.;
import flash.display.;
var newpet:BitmapData=new fishfishfish(352,287);
var b:Bitmap = new Bitmap(newpet);
b.x= 800;
b.y= 400;
cp1.addEventListener(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, colorChangeHandler);
function colorChangeHandler(event:ColorPickerEvent):void {
var newhex:uint = uint(“0x”+event.target.hexValue);
newpet.floodFill(150, 150, event.target.selectedColor);
var c:Bitmap = new Bitmap(newpet);