Bitmap Text + Stage Class

Im going out of my mind with frustration here trying to get these two things to work. The adobe reference is crap.

So the first thing is bitmap text. I have a custom font and I don’t want it to be antialiased and I want it to display when rotated and obivously to be embeded into my .swf. All works apart from the “no antialias” bit. I can’t seem to get it working. Rendering it as a bitmap would be much better even though it is a vector font and in the embeding options there is no documentation on how to harnes the “bitmap text” option.

The second thing is accessing the Stage class from my main movie’s class.
All I want to do is get the Stage.width / height and add an eventListener to hear when the stage is resized. Simple enough but nothing works and all the documentation for it is for coding in the timeline, not in a .as class file.

Thanks for reading/helping,