Bitmaps with classes instead of identifiers

I’m learning AS3 now for the very first time :smiley:

I’ve been putting it off, as I have been in an AS2 comfort zone, but it’s silly really, at some point I need to learn AS3, I may as well start now.

I’ve got my head around AS3 classes a bit, and using copyPixels purely with BM rendering, no MCs, no sprites etc.

However, instead of just drawing a coloured rectangle for particles, I’m having trouble attaching a bitmap.

In AS2 you did it like this…

[AS]var pic:BitmapData = BitmapData.loadBitmap(“myPic”);[/AS]

With myPic being the identifier of the JPG in the library.

No there is no identifier, just class name, but how do I introduce the pic as a BMD object? And from an external class not the FLA? Not even necessarily attach it to the stage, just load it into memory as BMD, so I can copy pixels from it.

I know it’s basic, but I’m an AS3/OOP noob and I can’t seem to figure it out.


You Russian diamond you :wink:
