
Hello all,

this technically probably isn’t a Flex question, but I’m using FlashDevelop, and thus the [Embed] tag, which isn’t used by CS4.

I’ve got a Tile object, that can have 4 different colours. I’ve got 4 .png images that each represent one of the colours. What’s the best way to go about this? Does it make any difference if I make 4 seperate classes that each reflect a Bitmap with the colour, or just Embed all 4 images in the Tile object, and then decide which to display?

This is how I’ve got it set up currently:


	case "Red":
		graphic = new RedTile;


And this is how my RedTile class looks:

package game 
	import flash.display.Bitmap;

	public class RedTile extends Bitmap
		[Embed(source = '../../lib/red.png')]
		private var Graphic:Class;

		public function RedTile()
			var pic:Bitmap = new Graphic();
			this.bitmapData = pic.bitmapData;
			pic = null;

Is this a good way of doing it, or would you recommend I take a different path? Thanks in advance.