Blah.. A Sort of Newsletter

It doesnt have to pertain to a certain newsletter, Im actually trying to make my own within flash.

I have my flash logo and text that says “Hey, we’re undergoing a visual design, bare with us” and what not… and underneath that, I have Name: [ ] Email: [ ] Checkbox [x] and a submit button sorta. I have it EXACTLY how I want…

Now, the only thing is actually recording the information within the name and email fields, and the checkbox. I wanna know, is it possible to have this stuff passed onto a PHP page without actually reloading the page or loading a popup or something? Popups are tacky, and reloading the page defeats the purpose of my 45 minute nice thank you mesage LOL…

Even if it cant be done with PHP, can it be done with like, Flash and XML or something? Like, have a MC do the work? Id really like to keep my little message up if possible.

Thanks for any help, sorry if Im not descriptive enough.

EDIT - If you want to see what I have so far, view [URL=“”]
I disabled the getURL(’’) command I had for when you click the button. Right now, you see how I WANT it to be… without any changing, I still want to record the data that was entered.