Blend Mode & Dynamic loading MC issue

I don’t know if anyone has encountered this before…or if I am doing something incorrectly.

I have an XML file which I have parsed into an array named “imageArr”.

I am attempting to load the images into “current_movie” and then have current movie load each image over time while using _alpha property to fade in and out during unload/load movie commands.

During all this…I wanted to use the belndMode multiply for the “current_movie” clip, because I have a simple black and white background I want to show through the white of the images which are loaded into “current_movie”.

I have been getting very inconsistent reactions from the use of the current_movie.blendMode = 3. I have placed the code everywhere…even in multiple places, and I still cannot get “current_movie” to retain and consistently apply the blendMode through all the transitions.

If anyone has some suggestions or tips I would greatly appreciate it.

Here is the code I have been using:


var current_movie:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip( “current_movie” , this.getNextHighestDepth() );
current_movie._alpha = 0;
current_movie.blendMode = 3;
current_movie._x = 41;
current_movie._y = 15;
var index:Number = 0;
var interval_handle:Number = 0;
var fade_level:Number = 0;

function start_load_image()
clearInterval( interval_handle );
var url:String = imageArr[index];
current_movie.blendMode = 3;

index += 1;

if( imageArr.length == index )
    index = 0;

interval_handle = setInterval( check_image_loaded , 10 );


function check_image_loaded()
if( current_movie.getBytesLoaded() == current_movie.getBytesTotal() )
clearInterval( interval_handle );
interval_handle = setInterval( fade_in , 10 );

function fade_in()
current_movie._alpha = fade_level;

if( 100 <= fade_level )
    fade_level = 0;
    clearInterval( interval_handle );
    interval_handle = setInterval( end_show_image , 3000 );
    current_movie.blendMode = 3;
    fade_level += 1;


function end_show_image()
clearInterval( interval_handle );
interval_handle = setInterval( fade_out , 10 );
current_movie.blendMode = 3;

function fade_out()
current_movie._alpha = 100 - fade_level;
current_movie.blendMode = 3;

if( 100 <= fade_level )
    fade_level = 0;
    clearInterval( interval_handle );
    interval_handle = setInterval( start_load_image , 1 );
    current_movie.blendMode = 3;
    fade_level += 1;
    current_movie.blendMode = 3;


interval_handle = setInterval( start_load_image , 1 );