Blur Scrollbar

I downloaded the oringe blur scrollbar a while back and I am using it for a project of mine but I don’t know alot of actionscript. I someone could help out it would be great!

The scrollbar scrolls the contents in the “main” movieclip. I added alot of items but it only scrolls down a little bit when I use the scroll but if I use the wheel on my actual mouse it goes down all the way. Does anyone know why?

Here is the code:

//MODIFY the below variables to suit your needs:
//set your flash stage width here:
initStageWidth = 750;
//set how many pixels you want your content to move when you move
//the mousewheel here:
mouseWheelIncrement = 50;

//DO NOT TOUCH the below code
//unless, of course, you want to change the script and
//workings of this code.

//import the blur filter (requires Flash 8 & actionscript 2)
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
blur = new BlurFilter(0, 10, 1);

//create a listener for the mouse wheel so the mouse wheel works
mouseListener = new Object();
mouseListener.onMouseWheel = function(delta) {
	if (delta < 0) {
		mainTargetY -= mouseWheelIncrement;	
		if (mainTargetY < Stage.height - main._height) {
			mainTargetY = Stage.height - main._height;
	if (delta > 0) {
		mainTargetY += mouseWheelIncrement;
		if (mainTargetY > mainInitY) {
			mainTargetY = mainInitY;

//actions for scrollbar

//first init some frequently used variables
mainInitY = main._y;
scrollbarInitY = scrollbar.scrollbutton._y;
scrollOn = false;
mainTargetY = mainInitY;
scrollbarTargetY = scrollbarInitY;

//don't want to use hand cursor for scrollbar
scrollbar.scrollbutton.useHandCursor = false;

//actions for scrollbar button behavior
scrollbar.scrollbutton.onRollOver = function() {
	if (!scrollOn) {
scrollbar.scrollbutton.onDragOver = scrollbar.scrollbutton.onRollOver;
scrollbar.scrollbutton.onRollOut = function() {
scrollbar.scrollbutton.onPress = function() {
	scrollOn = true;
	this.startDrag(false, this._x, scrollbarInitY, this._x, scrollbarInitY + scrollAreaHeight );
scrollbar.scrollbutton.onMouseUp = function() {
	if (scrollOn) {
		scrollOn = false;
		if (!scrollbar.scrollbutton.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse)) {

//this is where the animation happens, within this function:
scrollbar.scrollbutton.onEnterFrame = function() {
	if (scrollOn) {
		mainTargetY = mainInitY-(main._height-Stage.height)*(scrollbar.scrollbutton._y - scrollbarInitY)/scrollAreaHeight;
	} else {
		scrollbarTargetY = -(main._y - mainInitY)*scrollAreaHeight/(main._height - Stage.height) + scrollbarInitY;
		if (Math.abs(scrollbar.scrollbutton._y - scrollbarTargetY) > 0.2) {
			scrollbar.scrollbutton._y += (scrollbarTargetY - scrollbar.scrollbutton._y)/2;
	if (Math.abs(main._y - mainTargetY) > 0.2) {
		//this is where we calculate the blur distance
		mainOldY = main._y;
		main._y += Math.ceil((mainTargetY - main._y)/2);
		mainMovement = mainOldY - main._y;
		//we flur the blur distance for performance gains
		//(in theory, at least; this hasn't been tested)
		blur.blurY = Math.floor(Math.abs(mainMovement));
		main.filters = [blur];

//actions for stage resizing
Stage.align = "LT";
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";

resizer = new Object();
resizer.onResize = function () {
	scrollbar._x = Math.ceil(Stage.width - scrollbar._width);
	scrollAreaHeight = Stage.height - scrollbarInitY*2 - scrollbar.scrollbutton._height;
	icons_bottom._x = Math.ceil(Stage.width - icons_bottom._width);
