Blurred Mask and Bitmap Caching Problems


I want to mask a large movieclip with several smaller movieclips. I also want to blur these masks at the edges. What I have done so far:

  • Set the masked mc to bitmap caching
  • Put the mask mcs into a large master mask mc and bitmap cache that too
  • Apply a blur filter to the master mask mc

It all works fine BUT the problem is that the masked mc has a lot of things going on. In fact, 80% of the game I’m coding takes place in the masked mc. There’s a huge apparent lag because it’s set to cache as bitmap, which is fast for only static objects that change positions only, not content.

I’ve tried another solution where I draw outlines around the smaller mask mcs and blur the lines instead, creating a pseudo blur effect. But it’s not as good. Kinda of ugly in fact.

Is there a work around for this?