Boeuf de rôtis


I was making a pot roast tonight, and thought of you… :slight_smile: I ate a portion in your honor… :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha! :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you sure it wasn’t roti de boeuf?? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:
But thanks, I appreciate that. Even though you sound a bit like Hannibal Lecter…

please pardon my kitchen quality french… :-\

I’ll just call it pot roast from now on…


No that’s OK, really :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, I think a friend of mine just found an affordable French restaurant here… Yami!!

isn’t that an oxymoron… affordable french?



I don’t think so… I remember the “good English food” one, and the “low-fat American food”, but I’ve never heard of that one, sorry. :cowboy:

maybe only in America… :stuck_out_tongue:

In SF, there are no “affordable” french restaurants…


I think you have to be rich to eat at a good French restaurant here :frowning:

You have to be rich to eat in most restaurants in SF (unless you “are in the know”) :bandit:

Man this town is expensive… :pirate:


As expensive as LA?

more… :*(

the only place in America which is more expensive than SF, is Manhattan…



Wow. I can’t even afford to live in Philly. I would rot and die before I could live in SF, Manhattan or LA.

yeah, but what a place… :stuck_out_tongue:

I adjust by not owning a car… its’ also better for the air… :stuck_out_tongue:


Tell that to the other 15 million car owners when they hop in to drive down the block to get cigarettes!
(if smoking is still legal in California…)

it’s still legal, but I gave it up when they hit $5/pack.

I agree, especially in the 'burbs, that everyone gets in a car to go to the corner store… In SF, it isn’t quite so bad, since parking a car in this town is not only expensive, but hard to find. Lets not forget about the hills… and the tourists… I hate driving in this town… I am going camping in Yosemite this weekend, and I have to rent a car and drive there… :evil:

I will just have to take my meds… :stuck_out_tongue:
