Borderless Scrollpane

Hi guys,
I’ve used the scrollpane component in my project and realised that the scrollpane has a white border around it. Any1 here knows how to remove it? Thanks.

myScrollPane.setStyle(“borderStyle”, “none”);

in the actions of the frame your scroll pane is in…

well…I’ve tried that and it works provided if i use the scrollpane on the main timeline.
However, in my project, I’ve encapsulated the scrollpane in an mc and have it loaded from another container mc in the main timeline. As a result, a grey border appears around the scrollpane.

To illustrate my point, I’ve attached 3 swf files, namely: test.swf, untitled-1.swf and clickme.swf.

test.swf contains the content that will be loaded into the scrollpane while untitled-1.swf is the scrollpane itself. clickme.swf is the container mc that will load untitled-1.swf.

Sorry that I am not able to upload the fla files as they were too big to be uploaded even after zipped (well, they are not so difficult to make anyway).

Once again…thanks.

Hmmmm…so nobody knows how to solve this problem? C’mmon…dun be shy…if u know the solution, pls share it with me. I’ll be very thankful… :slight_smile:

are you naming it correctly?

like _root.mc1.mc2. etc…

Yeah…I suppose so. The code is placed on the same timeline as the scrollpane which I named as scroller. So the code goes like this:

scroller.setStyle("borderStyle", "none");

However, I doubt that the prob lies with the code cos it works alright when the scrollpane is placed on the main timeline. But when the scrollpane is loaded from another mc–for instance the “container” mc that I attached with the previous post–then the grey border appears. Or maybe u can try it urself. Create a scrollpane that loads some contents, then try to load that scrollpane from another mc using the “loadMovie” script. U will probably find that once u start scrolling, an ugly grey border appears out of nowhere around it. That is what I’m talking about and if by any chance, you( or any1 reading this post ) knows how to solve this prob, pls let me know about it. Once again…thanks.

i have a question on this subject …

( i understand how to make it borderless but…)

how do you use that, - but, use [U]your own[/U] scroll (up and down) buttons ?
i hate the scroll bar flashmx uses … :stuck_out_tongue:


Here’s what I always do.

Use Control+L to open up your library, open the UI Interface folder, open the scrollpane movie clip and just delete the border and experiment with the graphics that Flash made as the default. You can also edit the scrollbar itself and the arrow buttons this way.

ok, i’ll try that!
but … is the UI library going to stay inact for the next project once i start
fooling around with it ?

Yeah, next time you drag an instance of it onto the stage, it’ll be the default version of the scrollbar, border etc.


when i do CTRL+L i get my library, but there’s no UI Interface folder …

i see the scroll pane in there but even if i double click it it tells me to … :
create an instace of it and edit it using the propery inspector or components
parameters panel …


and in the components menu … it’s in there of course but i can’t edit it either.
when i double click it, it adds another scroll pane to the stage …
(i thought it would edit it here, that’s why i asked abot messing it up for the future…)


Erm…think u can’t edit a scrollpane like that. You can only do that in Flash Mx but not in Flash Mx 2004. If u want to edit a scrollpane in Flash Mx 2004, u can do the following:

  1. open the sampleTheme.fla in the componentFla folder.
  2. Save it as another file if u don’t wanna mess it up.
  3. Open the library by pressing F11, choose the component that u want to edit…in this case if u want to edit the scrollbars, drag the sampleTheme mc to the stage.
    4)Edit the scrollbars to ur likings…then open the file where u want to have ur scrollpane…and drag the sampleTheme mc to the stage of that file.

Think that should do it.

Download “Flash UI Components SET TWO” from The scrollpane in that is editable and it is the one I was using and talking about.

Just what I was about to suggest. Go to and download the “Flash Components Set 2”.

Interesting…didn’t know that there’s a 2nd set of flash UI components. Thanks.