Bored in class


man, get bored more often

sweet man. Hey you are into the half man half robot cyborg thing huh? Love your work.

Sweet. =)

i like it too. nice work. :slight_smile:

ye… nice work dude! :stuck_out_tongue:

The only thing I draw when I’m bored in classes is crap!
Man like mddipi said you should ge bored more often! Very nice work!

thats awesome, you should vectorinize it and color it :slight_smile:

wow i wish when i get that bored i could make something like that.

looks pretty good.

I really like it. [ Stolen ] You should vectorize it and color it. [ /Stolen ]

Wow that totally awsome… wait maybe i should look at it hold on…

…**** dialup

whoa cool! thats pretty nifty!

I’m just curious, Edwin, but do you take art as a course still, or do you just kinda doodle during your chemistry review and end up having to study three times as much as anyone else, making you too tired to wake up on time for your test… yeah, you know how it goes.

So, do you take art?

cool…i’ve always wondered where people get their ideas for robots
u should render it sometime, make it shiny
i like shiny things, their shiny