lol i am really bored. im susposed to be doing a project.=)
get to work…
::cracks whip::
lol. i barley did any work today. im home now=)
go play some games then
cant play games at school=)
oh ya forgot about that
i betcha you can ? dont you have any java-enabled browser ??
i played runescape during biology… I think ill stop this is getting addictive…
I couldnt believe my school was uptodate with plugins?
wait, maybe runescape isnt plugged…
Alex, why don’t you do what lil kids do? Go out side, climb a few trees, break a few windows and chase after the ice cream truck? haha
When you want something really cool, you can play this Knight game.
And be my Officer ;p I would appreaciate it…
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Alex, why don’t you do what lil kids do? Go out side, climb a few trees, break a few windows and chase after the ice cream truck? haha**
ya then drive away in a police cruser. sounds like a plan=)
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Alex, why don’t you do what lil kids do? Go out side, climb a few trees, break a few windows and chase after the ice cream truck? haha**
ahahahah, AWESOME. Nice one EG. I appreciate that!
im back at school, its like that movie groundhogs day.:chinaman: =) :beam: