I’m off work and school today so I got bored and started to play with one of my C4D renders using Photoshop. This is what I came up with, hope you guys like it. =)
very nice, i gotta run to get my dog from the vet so i cant talk much but i love it so far, you are SO good in PS!
sweet! whats it supposed to be …its very abstract
Good question Mak, I have no idea…
It’s whatever you want it to be I guess, I just threw in a bunch of images and was just playing with the filters and blending the layers. =)
so did you have the image of the “girl” first then start experimenting? what were you rendering?
lol, i love blue too…all your images have so much blue…
damkn you make me feel like a little kid with no brains and who can do nothing! ■■■■ YOU!
*Originally posted by Makaveli *
**so did you have the image of the “girl” first then start experimenting? what were you rendering?
lol, i love blue too…all your images have so much blue… **
Mak, I had the image of the girl already, the only thing that was rendered are those swirly liquid looking things, but you can’t tell if it’s 3D anymore since I went crazy with the PS filters.
And Syko you’re funny. =)
he makes a valid point tho…i can’t do this kinda stuff when i’m trying…you do it while your bored!! ;(
maybe cause your “trying” to, just let it flow…
I like the right side, not so sure about the left side.
The buldgey bubble thing doesn’t fit well and the hex hive makes it look cluttered. But considering my tiny clown monitor I can only see half of the image at once so I can’t see it in its entirety.
But by halves, I like the right one…lol.
Great job man.
Lost, is the only one that likes to tear up my work…hahah I like that
New wallpaper Nice job man, love it
haha I forgot it’s a wallpaper size…thanks oblique, glad you like it. =)