Boring class

i am in the boringest class right now. the rest of the day goes by soooooooooooooooo sloww:hair:

Hang in there Alex, it will be over soon and you’ll be back home where you’ll be posting on this forum and I’ll be here to pick on you once again. =)

Hey alex, Just a suggestion. On your footer, you might think about putting a hit area on “alex designs” b/c right now its hard to click b/c you have to get right on the actual letters. (if you don’t know what i mean, lemme know I will explain further) Just a suggestion:love:

I know what you mean…

btw electrongeek! Your footer are so friggin great! I CAN’T WATCH! =)

lol that wouldnt make it any fun.:nerd:

woohoo break time!!!:nerd:

*Originally posted by Syko *
**I know what you mean…

btw electrongeek! Your footer are so friggin great! I CAN’T WATCH! =) **

haha thanks Syko =)

hey eg you footer is really cool. =)

Thanks Alex, but not as spiffy as yours. :-\

yea i know. mine is wonderful. it tooke me a full 10 min to make

*Originally posted by Syko *
**I know what you mean…

btw electrongeek! Your footer are so friggin great! I CAN’T WATCH! =) **

I agree NICE. But I do have to say…I liked the older one better. but still nice of course. :beam:

I liked the old one too, but it gets boring after looking at it too many times. =)

this one is scaring me its taking my little flash skills away:-\

i cant see your footer eg…


*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**I liked the old one too, but it gets boring after looking at it too many times. =) **

true true:run:

just an FYI - footer-wise…

with all of these footers will all of this animation… my computer lags a bit on this thread… How about if we make some of the animations on rollover… that way if you want to play, you can, but only one of your animations will be going on in a thread at a time…

just an idea…


Ok Rev, I will modify it for rollOver. :slight_smile:

rev- im going to fix it when i get home=)

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**just an FYI - footer-wise…

with all of these footers will all of this animation… my computer lags a bit on this thread… How about if we make some of the animations on rollover… that way if you want to play, you can, but only one of your animations will be going on in a thread at a time…

just an idea…

Rev **

and a good one at that. :A+:

wooohoo its 5 min till dismissle. be home in 15 min