Boxes drag

has anyone seen anything else like this. i am trying to make a combo of what is in the swf that is attached and or something like this nav HERE

i have been looking around a lot today and what i can tell is it uses Physics to get this movement. am i even on the right track?

if you give those a good read, you’ll be able to get the effect you want. personally i don’t know physics that well to just bust out the code.

edit: woah just looked at your FLA, i think your definatly on the wrong track :wink:

check out that link i posted

i know i did not do that swf, the person who did was not using physics. i think they were trying to work it out some old school way. sorta ghetto. thanks for the link

:lol: your welcome

here is a new try at this, i cant seem to get my line to stay with my boxes. i know that it is some sort of miss match in the speed. i used that tutorial to make this, except the tutorial was for only moving one box. i added the the other boxes and the line, also if you click one of the bars below the boxes it should make the box move to a new location.

like i said the only problems i am having are the line not moving exactly with the box. also when you click the link to make the box move to the new location i want all the boxes to move to new locations not just the one you clicked.

any help would be cool


ok this should help you then

fla is in there

*note this is from bit 101’s site, he wrote the original code, i just played around with it.

edit: btw, in this case i am using the drawing API for the legs, which in your case would probably be the best option.

thanks man i am going to take a look at that, i just took a second to look at the swf, it looks very cool, the movement on that is exactly what i am after.


no problem, let me know how it goes.

hey when are you going to launch your new site?

was supposed to be last week, got pushed back due to a client.

i just have to finish my price quote, which im actually working on now.

here’s the beta version

very cool good work, let me know when it is live.


thanks bro will do

next try

well, your almost there.

now you just have to make the other two buttons move when you drag the first one.