Boy this feels good

Wow, i missed you!

Ive been away for about three weeks now (like anyone would notice anyway) on a load of training courses. So i have only been able to check into kirupa occasionally sigh

But now i am back and it feels good to be talking to you guys again! (MISSED YOU!)

Got back and sat on my computer for HOURS!! Haven’t used flash or photoshop for a while and it felt so good to be back on my desktop. After three weeks on being unable to create, i had a massive creative overload and did some cool stuff!

I feel quite proud of myself.

Didn’t enjoy the courses, but on the plus side i now have a girlfriend :wink:

Life is so good right now…

Nice to have you back, i’ve been away for 2 weeks on holiday and i doubt neones noticed my absence either :ninja:.

Glad lifes good, hope things go well with ur gf :beam:

*Originally posted by Lunar_4u *
**Glad lifes good, hope things go well with ur gf :beam: **

hee hee, thanks. I hope things go well to, she luuurvly looks all dreamy

*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**Wow, i missed you!

Ive been away for about three weeks now (like anyone would notice anyway) … **
…which one are you again?

:stuck_out_tongue: j/k welcome back!

*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
(like anyone would notice anyway)

I did! :frowning:

:stuck_out_tongue: Welcome back & be a good boy with your girlfriend.

*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
Ive been away for about three weeks now (like anyone would notice anyway)
you’ve been away? :stuck_out_tongue:

wb m8 :slight_smile:


Oh wait…



heh, cheers guys. Feels nice to be back.