Branded Colour Schemes

What is the deal with “branded” colour schemes? I find them delightful but people are putting an insane amount of work/marketing into colour pallets? I’d love to create list.
The first one I heard of was either Nord or Dracula. These are the ones I know:

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And some of them you have to pay for, too! While I don’t want to dismiss the work that goes into creating a color scheme, some of the themes that I’ve been asked to pay for…definitely were generated by an AI assistant :art:

Yeah I agree, creating a color scheme is a lot of work and maybe that’s part of the branding, if your going to charge for something they want it to look like a polished “product”. The one I don’t really understand is Dracula- their free version is so comprehensive I can’t imagine anybody paying for the upgrade. But people seem too and I’m glad for the guy who created Dracula and can make a bit of money from it.

@kirupa do you know of any others that have “brands” like the ones I listed?