Breaking appart text with AS and putting in array. Possible?


I need to create a function with takes a text field and does two things with it

The first is to split text up into individual letters with each being a separate symbol. Basically the equivalent to breaking apart the text field, then converting each letter to symbols, then giving each letter its own unique name This is the way I’m doing it now and its very time consuming and not at all easy to update to text.

The second part is to create an array containing all the instant names.

For example if the text was “hello world”, the function would create symbols with called n1 (containing h) , n2 (containing e) , n3 (containing l), n4 (containing l), n5 (containing o), and then the array would be [n1,n2,n3,n4,n5]

I’m working on something and if I get past this last problem then its gonna look so good. Thanks in advance,

Julian K