
Alright. I have a breakout game. The ball has actions to check hitTest with the blocks and if so banish them 1000 pixels away. It only checks for the original block because they all have the same instance name and depth. How would you change the depth? Moreover, how would you duplicate it and place it in a fasion that it is all in a row and it duplicates more that one time on load? Thank you for your help! :slight_smile:

I was busy with stuff so i couldn’t answer you. What exactly do you want?

I had a look, and I’m a novice so this might not be what you’re looking for, but I used the code above by blah-de-blah on a new layer I inserted. I put this on the first frame, and on the sq MC I added:

if (this.hitTest(_root.ball)){
	setProperty(this, _alpha, 0);	

And the ball hit all the blocks and made them disappear, but the ball wasn’t bouncing off the duplicates the way it should, but you’ll have to fix that, I have no idea how you got that to happen on the original MC…hope this helps you in any way.


Hey! It’s fixed! Thanks to anyone who helped! :love: