Does anyone know a way to brighten images automatically in Photoshop (or any other method).
I plan to create an action to prepare a directory of photos, and I want a way to brighten some of the darker images automatically, without going through them 1 by 1.
there are many ways to brighten a photo. The easiest being brighten/contrast command in Image>Adjustments. Then there is level, and curves and a few others. Then you can get off into hue saturation and relpace colors. I think you need to be more precise. But off top go with my first suggestion
you can set up some recorded action (can’t remember the name of the procedure) in which you lighten up a photo, then just run that batch action for all the dark photos, which will automate it for you. But with this, it’ll use the same settings each time so unless all the photos need the same amount of lightening it won’t be perfect.
Really, for the most professional look you’ll have to do them 1 by 1 since each one will be slightly different.