Bring to front

I’m not sure what it’s called in flash, but how do I bring a movie to the front. It must be similar to “Arrange” in photoshop or just about any DTP app.


I have three movieclips that overlap, I want to bring each one to the front on mouse over. I know how to the mouseover bit, I just don’t know which property to use… me thinks…


You must put each movie inside a movie clip. And you must do a motion tween between the normal movie and movie at the front.
And then you must put stop at the 1st frame and at the last frame. Then you must put that movie clip on the scene and put this action on that movie clip you had just created:

on (rollOver) {

If it is confusing, why dont you send the FLA?

you can do it with AS like this…

on(rollOver) {
_root.x +=2;
// what ever else you want to do on roll over…


I’m not making myself very clear…

In the attached movie, I want each clip to be fully visable (Brought to Front) when mouseovered.

sorry i still couldnt get it. Is what you want, sth like this?

Here it is:
Is this what you want?