I tipped over a mountain bike today in PE in school. We had to bus all the way down to downtown to rent bikes and get injured… i swear im going to sue them 1 day…
Now im stuck with my right arm broken and only able to type w/ my left arm. I cant write, or even use the mouse… (bye bye infantry). I went to the doctor’s like an hour after the injury, but the doctor is so dumb that he doesnt know if i broke my arm or not. Then i went to get an xray at about 3, then the radiologist takes off cause it’s friday! Now i’m stuck in my room without knowing if i actually broke my arm or not for the weekend. God I hate socialism (canada).
On the bright side, i wont be able to write the Physics exam on monday… but they’ll probably make me write w/ my left hand. This is sort of a random rant… blah.
I’m either stuck for 3 months without being able to move my arm at all, or stuck for 3 months feeling the pain all over… :’(