First, this is my first post to the forums, so hello everyone.
Now, my issue: Is there a way to tell flash that the brower back button has been hit? I am creating an array in a shared object and when the browser back button has been hit, I am wanting it to go back one in the array. Thank you for any help.
Thanks. While I appreciate the tip on Google, I have already researched this and it will not work. As I stated in my previous post I am looking for something that works cross-platform. The Mac OS does not allow any communication between the the plug-in and the browser, so this method will not work. If it did I would just use a control flash movie JS as the poster above mentioned.
What I have is a flash menu in an HTML page, the menu lets the person know where they are in the website. We are looking for a solution that works cross platform, since you cannot use JS to communicate to the flash movie on Macs. When you press a button in the menu, it writes a variable name to a shared object file. When the new page loads, it pulls the shared object and gets the variable, then goes to that frame label in the movie. The issue we are having is when someone hits the back button on the browser; it keeps the same variable name, breaking the menu.
What I am looking to do is add an array to the shared object file that keeps track of the previous variables (page) the user has hit. If there is a way to communicate to the flash movie that the browser back button has been hit, then I would create a function that took the array and removed the last variable, so when the previous page loads it goes to the proper frame label.
There is a bit more to it I know, but the site is not huge, so I can save the original array to another name and when the forward button is hit, it would just recall the original array and use the last element. Again we are experimenting so if there are other options in having the movie to go a specific frame and it works with all platforms I would be very interested in hearing them.
Hi Ococ,
I am working on something similar at the moment, but without the sharedObject, I was going to take that route, but then realised i didn’t need it.
If you have access to a copy of Colin Moocks ASDG ( the original) he has a very neat solution to the issue of the back button. It was written originally for Flash 5, however, from looking at it, it is easily adaptable for later versions, the gist is,
1: create a frame with a named acnhor - so that when the back button is clicked it goes to that frame
2: create your array in that frame
3: every time a button ( on the site ) is clicked, push the frame label that the movie is sent to into the array
4: when the back button is clicked it will send the Flash movie to the named anchor frame, then all you need to do is remove the last element of the array and then send the movie to the then last element of the array.
Hope that makes sense, for more info you can try a search of
If you cannot find it there, let me know and I will try and look it up for you
quick edit the great Robert Penner also created a solution to this prob, just found it at, so try this link, there is a zip file available which should help you RobPenners solution