Browser opens behind projector--please help!

ok so all my getURLs launch the browsers fine, but if the user allready has a window open, the browser launches behind the projector causing the user to minimize and tab over to the web browser. this only seems to happen on a pc

is there any way to attach something to either the first frame of the flash to close any open browser windows? i know this is a bit of an annoyance for me, as well as many others, from a usablitiy standpoint, but this is the last tweak my client is not budging on

here is the absolute path script i am using for my getURLs:

on (press) {
    poslastslash = this._url.lastIndexOf("\\");
    if (poslastslash == -1) {
        poslastslash = this._url.lastIndexOf("/");
    folderurl = this._url.substr(0, poslastslash+1);
    poscolon = folderurl.indexOf("|");
    if (poscolon<>-1) {
        folderurlstart = folderurl.substr(0, poscolon);
        folderurlend = folderurl.substr(poscolon+1);
        folderurl = folderurlstart+":"+folderurlend;
    targeturl = folderurl+"games/hallofthewild/hall_of_the_wild.htm";
    getURL(targeturl, "_blank");

thanks for your time and input