Hey guys im currently developing a flash paint app for the psp and im stuck in a little rut here i need a way to allow the user to change brush size depending on what they press aka if they press pencil get a thin line stroke, if big brush big line stroke is there anyway of doing this?
and the next one how can i make a undo button so it undos the last line done
here my code so far
//starting color is black
var colorChoise=0x000000;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("line", 1);
_root.onMouseDown = function() {
line.moveTo(_xmouse, _ymouse);
line.lineStyle(2, colorChoise, 100);
this.onMouseMove = function() {
line.lineTo(_xmouse, _ymouse);
_root.onMouseUp = function() {
this.onMouseMove = null;
buttonErase.onPress = function() {
red.onRelease = function() {
colorChoise = 0xFF0000;
green.onRelease = function() {
colorChoise = 0x00CC00;
blue.onRelease = function () {
colorChoise = 0x0033FF;
yellow.onRelease= function () {
colorChoise = 0xFFFF00;
purple.onRelease = function () {
colorChoise = 0xFF00FF;
pink.onRelease = function () {
colorChoise = 0x9933FF;
samon.onRelease = function () {
colorChoise = 0xFF99CC;
black.onRelease = function () {
colorChoise = 0x000000;
lgreen.onRelease = function () {
colorChoise = 0x99FF99;
grey.onRelease = function () {
colorChoise = 0xD0D0D0;
lblue.onRelease = function () {
colorChoise = 0xCCFFFF;
orange.onRelease = function () {
colorChoise = 0xFF6600;
thanks a lot for your help