Btn release -> txtfile -> movie clip -> auto size dynamc txt field


I have a flash file It’s AS2 but was created in CS3 so I assumed i went in here. I want to have a dynamic text field on frame 25 with in a movie clip called content3. On frame 3 I have 10 buttons if one of those buttons is hit i want to to go to frame 25 and load text from one of ten external text files into that dynamic text field. I also want the dynamic text field to expand only as far as the content is height wise i want a set width. I’ve created the text field, external files, and buttons but can not get the text to load into the text field nor to load. I wish i could go back and change this but in my browser it will not let me without using delete. So Please ignore grammor and spelling erros I usually go back threw and fix it but alas this won’t let me. Thanks for any ideas you can offer. Below is the code for the 10 buttons
I also can’t use the code tages i guess this is really annyoing. I’ve used these on other forums before also so its not me not knowing how to use a computer.

contentMain.infokeena.onRelease = function() {
loadVarsText = new loadVars();
contentMain.inforickshaw.onRelease = function() {
contentMain.infochucks.onRelease = function() {
contentMain.infohelmet.onRelease = function() {
contentMain.infowalrus.onRelease = function() {
contentMain.codekeena.onRelease = function() {
contentMain.codechucks.onRelease = function() {
contentMain.coderickshaw.onRelease = function() {
contentMain.codehelmet.onRelease = function() {
contentMain.codewalrus.onRelease = function() {

The first buttons code i tried but does not work it brings up an error message "the identofior ‘loadvars’ will not resolve to built-in object ‘LoadVars’ at runtime.

Thanks for any suggetions you can offer.