BTN -- With masking problem


I am having problems with a graphic that I masked and then used in a btn. for some reason the mask doesn’t work when I put it in a button and test the mc. This is driving me crazy. I attached an fla to show you what’s happening.

Thanks for any help!!

mrt :::

make sure that both layers are visible and locked. you said ‘test the mc’ not the movie, so i dunno.


Yes. both layers are locked and visible. The mask works on the stage but when you test the movie is shows the mask and what you are masking. :frowning:

hmmm, that could be a problem… if you post fla i’ll try to look @ it tomorrow @ work… can’t tonight…

peace out :slight_smile:

Hey BodyVisual,

Have you had time to check this out? Thanks again!!


I’ve changed the properties of the mask graphic to movieclip, hope this is what you want:)


Thanks!!! :d
