Bug and hanging in the Nav bar submenu of HTML/CSS design

I have a bug and hanging in my Nav bar submenu of HTML design when clicking on a submenu link it’s working well at the first load. After that, When I go to any link and go back the nav bar submenu hanging out show and hide show and hide … you can check the video link of this bug issue: http://youtu.be/UiAMY0EHpJI

The Code
 	<!-- Navigation -->
 	     <div id="navigation">
 	           <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".nav-collapse"> <span></span> </a>
 	           <div id="logo">
 	             <a href="#home-section"></a>
 	                 <a href="#home-section">Home</a>
 	                   <li><a href="revolution-slider.html">Revolution Slider</a></li>
 	                   <li><a href="index.html">Slider Parallax</a>
 	                       <li><a href="style1.html">Style 1</a></li>
 	                       <li><a href="style2.html">Style 2</a></li>
 	                       <li><a href="style3.html">Style 3</a></li>
 	                       <li><a href="style4.html">Style 4</a></li>
 	                       <li><a href="style5.html">Style 5</a></li>
 	                   <li><a href="video-bg.html">Video Background</a>
 	                       <li><a href="video-bg.html">Self Hosted Video</a></li>
 	                       <li><a href="youtube-video-bg.html">Youtube Video</a></li>
 	                       <li><a href="vimeo-video-bg.html">Vimeo Video</a></li>
 	                 <a href="#we-are-good-at">About</a>
 	                 <a href="#services-section">Services</a>
 	                 <a href="#folio-section">Portfolio</a>
 	                 <a href="#team-section">Team</a>
 	                 <a href="#blog-section">Blog</a>
 	                 <a href="#clients-section">Clients</a>
 	                 <a href="#pricing-section">Pricing</a>
 	                 <a href="#contact-section">Contact</a>
 	     <!-- Navigation --> 

 	/* ------------------------------- */
 	/*  Navigation CSS
 	/* ------------------------------- */
 	   .navbar .nav > li > a.change-colors:after{
 	     color: #00c2a9;
 	     position: absolute;
 	     right: 10px;
 	   .navbar .nav > li > a.change-colors:hover,
 	   .navbar .nav > li > a.change-colors:focus{ 
 	     background: #fff;
 	     color: #00c2a9!important
 	   .is-sticky .navbar-inner {
 	     background: #00c2a9
 	   .is-sticky .navbar .nav > li > a{ 
 	     color: #fff
 	   .sticky .navbar .nav > li > a{
 	     color: #fff
 	   .navbar .nav > li > a:hover:after{
 	     color: #fff!important;
 	     position: absolute;
 	     right: 10px
 	   ul.sub-menu {
 	     display: block
 	   .navbar .nav > li {
 	     position: relative
 	   .sub-menu {
 	     position: absolute;
 	     width: 150%;
 	     left: 0;
 	     padding: 4%;
 	     background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5)
 	   .navbar .nav .sub-menu li a{
 	     color: #fff!important;
 	     text-decoration: none;
 	     background: transparent !important;
 	     font-size: 12px
 	   .sub-menu ul li a.change-colors {
 	     color: #fff!important;
 	     background: transparent
 	   .navbar .nav .sub-menu{
 	     width: 170px;
 	   .navbar .nav .sub-menu li{
 	     float: none;
 	     text-align: left;
 	     position: relative;
 	   .navbar .nav .sub-menu a{
 	     padding: 10px 20px;
 	   .navbar .nav .sub-menu a:hover{
 	     color: #00c2a9!important;
 	   .navbar .nav .sub-menu .sub-menu{
 	     left: 100%;
 	     top: 0;
 	     margin-left: 3px;
 	   .navbar .nav li ul{
 	     display: none;
 	     border-width: 0;
 	   .loader {
 	     position: fixed;
 	     top: 50%;
 	     left: 50%;
 	     background: url(../images/3.gif) no-repeat;
 	     width: 32px;
 	     height: 32px;
 	     margin: -16px 0 0 -16px;


So, please Is there anyone can help me? 

Kind Regards, 

Same with me
I also have some problem to modified the Nav menu at twenty twelve
just watching this group, perhaps there is some master can give suggestion

Are you using Bootstrap?

Any reason why you have this empty a tag with bootstrap collapse?

[COLOR=#008000]<a data-toggle=“collapse” data-rel=“nofollow” target=".nav-collapse">[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000080]<span>[/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]</span>[/COLOR] [COLOR=#008000]</a>[/COLOR]
I don’t think your issue is css related it might be your css conflicting with bootstrap js code if you are using it.

Get rid of that a tag I posted and see if it fixes your issue otherwise I need more info or if you posted a link to the site that would be easier and faster to debug.

Good Luck.