Building a dynamic gallery


I have been looking for a while on the web, but somehow, the answer eluded me.
Does anyone knows a comprehensive tutorial on how to build a dynamic photo gallery with an integrated content managenent system.

the only results that i found are concerning a gallery updatable via ftp and modifying the xml file.

any help would be very muc happreciated

first create the dinamic gallery width XML, then change the xml to php so you can read the database :wink:

I am afraid that i am not very experimented with Flash, Could you elaborate or direct me to any comprehensive tutorials, please.


hmm… check out the kirupa’s tutorial section!

there are xml/flash tutorials.
but be advised, for a first flash project that will be tough!!

[quote=pantas;2352999]hmm… check out the kirupa’s tutorial section!

there are xml/flash tutorials.
but be advised, for a first flash project that will be tough!![/quote]

i did not understand theparta when you say "change the xml to php so you can read the database "

and how do uou create the content managenent system interface to interact with the file ?

what i meant was for you to create the project using xml (so you can test it offline), and then, change the calling of the xml to php when its online

but then, how do you create the content managenent system interface to upload, delete the pics

in fact , to give you an example i a mlooking to do something like this :

SO the owner of the thewebsite does not have to fiddle with the xml/php file but everything is done via an interface

anyone, please ?