Building a horizontal navigation menu - Need help


I’m building a website for someone that looks similar to the website (by request)
I’ve primarily worked in Flash and built full flash websites, so my skills and knowledge involving html/css and javascript is somewhat small in comparison.

I need help on the navigation menu Adobe has. I like, the soon to be site owner likes it. But I don’t know how to reproduce the effect.

I tried searching for javascript menus, but they are really no even close to it.

I found 1 or 2 css menus that are similar in layout. But I need to build one that uses images for the menu like adobe has, and not just code created boxes with specific colour values.
I’ve got the menu designed and sliced in photoshop, but I don’t know where to begin coding it.

So to sum it up (for clarification) I need:
A horizontal menu
Menu options based upon images (at least background images, the text/labels can be coded in)
The menu options need to have suboptions/submenus
Submenus need to appear when main menus are rolled over
Needs to look very close to the adobe navigation

I’d do it in Flash, but I’m supposed to minimize the use of flash elements as much as possible.

So Could you suggest any tutorials, resources, links or premade scripts?

I’d appreciate any help you can give me.
