Building menus in flash....can anyone help?

can anyone help? im building a menu for my website in flash mx, my website uses a frameset consisting, topframe mainframe and menu, i have made a menu using flash., now heres the problem, how on earth do i get my links to open in the mainframe rather than over the top of everything, in a new window, or on top of my flash frame

ive tried and tried and i cant work it out or find answer, please someone put me out of my misery and tell me if a it can be done and b if so how


you open your page whit something like this: getURL(…) I dont remember clear but read in (F1) ActioscriptHelp, play whit _blank/_self parameter , try to put the mainframe name there or a relative address to the mainframe

tried everything i can think of with the action script, ive even renamed my mainframe “_self” but to no avail, so i spent another couple hours crawling the net hunting for answers

when it finally hit me, ill just use some clever layouts with dream

i now have 3 swf files, depending on what page there stored on and how the things fly around and i got my all important loading sequence in wich was the whole original point of the exercise

but if anyone does know a way of linkg to a different frame from the 4 that seem to be standard pls pls i would love to know

I think this is what you’re looking for :wink:

ok now i just had a quick read through and it looks like something ive allready tried, maybe i made some typos in it lol,

ty for the link, ive just completed my first ever interactive flash game, its just a simple dot hat moves around you have to click on, but hey everyone has to start somewhere

ty for the link, ill check it out when i get home and take some time over it