How can i create new variables when i duplicate clips ?
This is my code (symplified):
_root.createEmptyMovieClip([“clip”+i], 0);
_root.[“clip”+i]._y = 25*i;
the problem is that i wan’t to be able to use Clip1 then Clip2, Clip3, etc… as my variables but i don’t know how i’m supposed to write it.
I there is a problem with the [“Clip”+i].
Does anyone know ?
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“clip”+i, i);
_root[“clip”+i]._y = 25*i;
- for is case sensitive
- dont you mean 0 instead of o?
- createEmptyMovieClip takes a string as an argument for the name, no [] needed
- use i in the depth argument so they dont replace each other
- in using [] for reference its object[stringname].property - no dot between the object and the []
for future referencing of the clips, you can use _root.clip0 -> _root.clip4 or something like _root[“clip”+0] or some variable to replace 0 which is between 0 and 4.
that help?
Thanks alot senocular, i works out perfect thanks to you !
One more thing,
when i load a movie in each newClip, i want to send a variable to that specific movie so the texte changes.
Here’s the script :
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“clip”+i, i);
_root[“clip”+i]._y = 25*i;
bling = “bye” + i;
in the movie texteDyn.swf there’s a text variable called Bling but my command doesnt change this texte. How can i send a variable to that clip ?
_root[“clip”+i].bling = “bye”+i;
and you’ll need to wait until the external .swf is fully loaded into the MovieClip to assign the variable, otherwise the variable will be lost once it’s fully loaded. 
thx alot guys your help is precious !