Buliding my own computer phase 1

ah ha! found it! http://tech-report.com/reviews/2004q1/athlonxp-m-2500/index.x?pg=1 they tested it with a 200mhz bus and it still did really well

edit: it being Athalon XP-M +2500

I have one 2…just read your posts. Matter of fact not to long ago slapped on the gt40 heads and intake…ooohhh the sound of dual chambered flows…


So far I basically went with what Voets, Teet and K said. I dont have all the pieces yet, but I have my mobo, cpu…the rest will come as money comes. So far I believe I just eclipsed 350 bucks.

i have a '66 Fastback:to:

but anyway, if you’re serious about top o’ the line garbage, go talk to the owner of your local LAN place…there’s one near me called The Battlegrounds
and the guy who owns it build each PC in there, plus his master one (ooh how good)

oh, and DO NOT buy a case with a build in power supply…its like buying a mobo w/ a built in video and sound card
go for the best one you can - mine is 500w
the last thing u want is ur processor gone after playing games for hours on end :thumb:

You mean your dad has a '66 Fastback… anyway, whether it’s your or not, what kind of condition is it in? Hopefully it’s nice and restored :ne:

And 3D, good to hear that there’s another Mustang owner in here … GT40 heads and intake? Very nice, but have you done anything with the exhaust?


but unfortunately, its sitting in our garage…
my dad’s friend is supposed to be restoring it, but he’s been busy rebuilding a '67 stang