Raydred, could you give me any recomendations for a new computer. But again, only if you have time and want to!
Graphics: top of the line
Case: anything cool but not too expensive and pointless
Memory: top of the line
Monitor: Anything with a flat screen and 17" or bigger
Processor: top of the line pentium
???: ???
Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz
Original Intel Motherboard, something 845.
512 MB DDR Ram.
Philip’s 17" resoulution is really cool, not sure if same in Flat-Panels.
Graphic: ATI Offcourse, if u want something for video editing, i would recommened Pinnacle.
CD: i liked the combo cd, DVD + CDRW together from hp.
Definatly get the DDR ram. Also get an AMD XP much better chip then Pentium and cheaper. Also for a card get a Asus GF4 128 it runs at about $300 but it is worth it.
ATI Radeon 9700 Pro- Graphics Card 128MB DDR SDRAM - 8x AGP - Dual Head - DVI - TV Out $315.00
512MB PC2700 (DDR333); notoverclocked; 6ns chipset; Bulk/OEM package; LIFE TIME warranty $130.00 (each)
Case, as long as its got a good power supply, pick one you like. $75.00-$150.00
Same deal with the Monitor pick one you can stare at for a while. $250.00-$500.00(Tube, expect more for a good LCD)
Don’t forget about the HDD, CD-R/RW, DVD-ROM(Or DVD-R if cash is not an issue), FDD(Number 1 most forgotten item when building a new system) Keyboard, mouse, etc…
Trinity, Ditch the Celeron, and go with a True P4. The added command sets and power is worth the few extra dollars. Everything else looks about right. Just make sure to find out what graphics card they mean. GeForce 3-4 is supurb. If you plan on capturing/exporting video go with a ATI Radeon All in wonder 8500 or similer.
The GF4 is a GeForce 4, and it most likely has more ram, so yes it is a better card. =)
Ya the price is also $600. I don’t think she will need that much vidoe card. A low end 128 will do nicely. If you want to go crazy then ya the radeon is the way to go.
i have talked with a lot of 3D designers and they all say AMD. i saw the 9700 on TechTV and i started to drool! its such a nice board. i gotta up grade this thing soon…although its better than ithought…
Dan, yea i’ll price ya a machine =) I think i know what you want =) a gamming machine / graphics machine (cause why would you want a computer if you dont do graphics?! lol)
Phil is right with Intel you are buying a name not a processor. Brand Names will cost u no matter what u buy. AMD doesn’t seem to gouge u for there name. Plus it is a more stable chip than an Intel