hi there, i need to know how i can convert this into a PHP bulletin sender with mySql or XML database. (preferably XML based to integrate it into flash in the future)
The thing is where it says “AGREGAR DESTINATARIO” i can add a sender with thw 3 fileds “Nombre” for name, “Empresa” for office and “Email”; if i add a person then the page refresh itself and show another record in “LISTA DE DESTINATARIOS”. If imake a click in the “BORRAR” btn that it’s located at the right side of each element on the list i delete the corresponding adressees, again refresh the page and shows the updated list.
Where it says " ENVIAR BOLETIN" are two inputs to fill in the “FROM” and the “SUBJECT” for the e-mail bulletin.
And finally where it says “Lista de Boletines” i want to show a list with all the bulletins that will be saved in a folder in html format, so if i upload a new HTML to that folder i can see the updated list and ther i want to have the option to check only one Bulletin to send it to the entire list of adressees.
The email content is an HTML based bulletin but i would like to upload any kind of html into the bulletin folder.
i really need help with this.