hehe… i found a funny animation of a singing-dancing G.W.Bush…
it is in portuguese, but maybe you find it funny anyway (-:
[SIZE=1]i know that rev will understand :P[/SIZE]
hehe… i found a funny animation of a singing-dancing G.W.Bush…
it is in portuguese, but maybe you find it funny anyway (-:
[SIZE=1]i know that rev will understand :P[/SIZE]
haha i think it was better in a diffrent language because it made it funnier.:beam:
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
^ what he said
i wonder what hes saying…but it makes sense since half the time i can;t understand his logic in english…lol
“They Misunderestimated me!!!” - GW Bush
it makes me happy inside to see such a well drawn political flash cartoon. :beam:
why haven’t we made anything that cool?!! he’s OUR president! sigh
can anyone offer a nice english translation, by the way? my small spanish vocabulary allowed me to decipher a bit of that, but i am sure it would be even funnier if i understood it all.
that’s so funny … i can’t understand everything but it’s funny anyway
*Originally posted by rendered *
**can anyone offer a nice english translation, by the way? **
We will have to wait for Big G to translate… My poor Portugese only allows me to get about every 4th word…
still hella phunny…
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