Button acting funny

Hey guys,

You can probably guess my Flash level of noobary by the question im about to ask and the problems im having. So ive finally figured out how to play a movie clip on roll over, stop it at the half way point, and then finish the clip on roll out. (Holy crap, two days worth of searching forums…) So now ive got my movie and it does exactly what i want it to do for now. I will be adding more elements later. The clip works fine when i enter the button from the left, top and bottom. It will gorw, glow and then shrink back to its original place, But if i go over the button fro the right it starts acting funny. It goes to the fully grown state and stays there. Then it will shrink back to its original size on mouse over. Weird. I tried uploading the SWF and that didnt work. I also tried loading the fla, that didnt work either. If anyone has any suggestions on how i might be able to show you what im talking about, im all ears. Or if i have described it well enough maybe you can give me a suggestion from this point.