Button action script to next scene


I had this attached to a button and there was no result, although the button worked as a symbol, but the scripting was not working

this works for me:

 on (release) {

Hope this helps.

If you absolutely HAVE to use scenes (they suck) then use frame labels, it’s much better. Select the first frame of the scene you are trying to go to (like “Game”). In the Properties panel you’ll see a place to enter a frame label. Type something in DIFFERENT than the name of the scene, like “GameFrame1” or something (no quotes). Frame labels are case sensitive so make sure it’s something you can remember easily.

Then on the code for your button use



edit you may have to use _root.gotoAndPlay(“GameFrame1”)

Yeah I have tried that too, but it doesn’t seem to work, but i will try typing the code in again just to make sure if i made some error or something. Sometimes, after you type the code in, and go to check the code (aka: the little green check mark on the Actions panel), it says there is no code error or something like that,but sometimes there really is an error and Flash doesn’t see it as one. It really differs with the different versions, but in this case, its not the problem. So again, i will check and see. Thanks for all the help. I can always depend on you guys!
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