Button ActionScript rollout problem

Hi all, I am new to the forums, and appologize if I do not word this correctly but…

I and am having a problem here that I hope someone can help me with.

I have a button in which contains a movie as a roll over. The movie is basically a box that scrolls/loops through various colours. What I want to happen is on the RollOut, for the movie to pause. Giving the user the chance to leave whatever colour they are currently on in the rollover, “on” or visible on the rollOut. And if the user rolls over the button again, the clours will continue to loop. I am not sure if it is best to have this a button, or just a movie clip. The buttons are only static objects and do not actually do anything asides from letting the user interact or change the design of the site. I have tried various scripts which do not seem to work with what I have.

any help would be much appreciated. I am using Flash MX

Thank you very much,