Button and navigation problems :(

Hi there fello action scripters i am having a serious problem with my navigation my file just doesnt seem to work heres the code:


function navigation(event:MouseEvent):void{
trace(“button was clicked”);

I have labels home, news, about, portfolio, contact.

i keep getting this error ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label instance6 not found in scene Scene 1.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at whywontyouworkdamyou_fla::MainTimeline/navigation()

and my buttons dont work iver lol how hard is AS3 what have they done to it :frowning:

Please help :frowning:

ill upload the FLA in a sec if anyone could please take a peek this is for a project at uni i need to have it handed in by monday and ive been stuck with this problem since 15:00 in the afternoon uk time and its now 22:15 :frowning:

heads fried now…

Edit im seeing spaces in the word navigation why rofl its ok in edit mode?!?!

Edit:the Fla http://www.d1gitalanarchy.com/whywontyouworkdamyou.fla