Button Class referencing/controlling external MC

I have this following class attached to some of my buttons to simply control the roll over and out states, as well as the click event.

But i want to use the same class on my buttons but would like to control a movieclip outside of the button somewhere else on the stage etc.

put simply: Clicking my button ‘moveLeft’ will move a movieclip left let say:

My code is as follows :

package com.sd{
	import flash.display.*;
	import flash.events.*;
	public class buttonEffect extends MovieClip {
			//-- constructor --//
		public function buttonEffect():void
			this.buttonMode = true;
			this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, BtnClick);
			this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, BtnOver);
			this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, BtnOut);
			//-- my methods --//
		public function BtnClick(e:MouseEvent):void
			// when the button is clicked I need to control a movie clip outside of this button
			//how woudl I reference a movieclip outside of this class
		public function BtnOver(e:MouseEvent):void
		public function BtnOut(e:MouseEvent):void

Manyy Thanks