Button Effect

I have created a button effect by converting a drawing into a button using the method of simply right-clicking then click the covert to button option clicked OK. Well after the button was on the stage I added a movie clip to both the Up and Over frames. I would like to know if there is a simple (or advanced) way of adding a movie clip or ActionScript to the button when the mouse rolls off. I know there is the action script “on (RollOut) {” but I am not exactly sure how I can use this to display a different movie clip for my button. Thanks.

I don’t think there’s a way to have a movieclip play on roll out except for using the onRollOut handler of that button. You can always use the crosshair icon in the actionscript window to target a movieclip if you’re unsure how to target it. Just make sure that movieclip has an instance name, otherwise it won’t show in the crosshair window :slight_smile: