Button Hit Area doesn't Work on LoadMovie

I have 2 swfs (as you usually do when using loadMovie ;), one main swf, and one that gets loaded. The one that gets loaded is an order form. It works flawlessly (well pretty much as good as that, still some bugs, but they’re not the problem) by itself, but when I load it, the button hit frames don’t work, and also the tooltips don’t work. Anyone know any reason that these wouldn’t work?


(BTW, I searched, didn’t find anything)

simple its a pathing issue. eg. When you load a swf say main.swf with a sub.swf into it. the sub swf doesn’t recongnize the path since the path has changed. it should be main.sub.swf kind’ve like that.
so if you load the sub.swf into main.swf with the loadMovie command it should look like this i think.
main.loadMovie(“sub.swf”, 1);
or you could use
root referring to one level up
I’m not good with AS but that is for sure the problem. U should do a search on _root, _parent, this in kirupa to learn more on pathing.

Thanks, but I used all relative paths in the swf to be loaded in, no _root :wink: just _parent once, and then just this for the rest, so I don’t think that’s the problem.

I just found the problem… I accidentally had a this.onRollover in the frame, and when it was by itself it didnt do anything because this was _root, but when it got loaded in, this turned into the movieclip so it overrode the buttons inside :slight_smile: