Hey guys … i am a Flash MX n00b … i have been going from website to website learning little things at a time. My problem is with my Button/Hyperlink. I have created a button, with no animation to it. In my actions i have it set to getURL (“http://www.blahblahblah.com”, “_self”) … yet it always opens in a new window … anybody know how to correct this ?
Instead of using “_self”, use “_parent” instead. =)
I <i>think</i> (I could well be wrong here) that if you’re previewing your movie in Flash (using a Ctrl + Enter) it will always have to open a browser window to view the http:// link. That’s because the .swf isn’t a browser. Once your Flash movie is embedded into an HTML page, you should find it opens in the same window. Otherwise, just try taking out the target _self, and see if that helps.
I will try both of those ways thanks.
I do a Publish Preview in HTML to see how it works, and thats when it opens in new windows everytime.