Button madness

[COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Hello everyone,

I’m stuck with a small problem. I’m trying to figure out a way to make a button. But I also need an active state, you know…to see wich button you’ve click on. Normally I would make an movieclip, with 4 frames…an normal state, an over state, a down state and an active state. I put over the movieclip an invisible button and, throw in a few variables and the whole thing does it’s job.

But, I’ve been thinking…I’m not really experienced in Flash so,…
Can’t I just make a button en put in another frame, before the ‘hit’ so when I’ve pushed the button It goes to that one… or doesn’t it work that way???

Does someone have an easy method to make buttons with an ‘active’ state, so you can see wich button you’ve clicked on??

Thx for the help![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

What you require is indeed do-able, but it’s more complicated than just inserting another frame. :wink:
I have constructed an example for you, which uses an array to keep track of all the buttons that needs the “highlight” function.

I hope it helps :slight_smile:

[COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Hello ScriptFlipper,

This is really great, It 'll help me a lot. Thank you!


You’re welcome! :slight_smile:

[SIZE=1](hey guys, I got a heart from her :pleased: ) ;)[/SIZE]