I’ve got a really weird one here.
I have a movie A.
Inside movie A, I have another movie 3 more movies B, C, D.
B, C, D are all instances of the same movie.
Inside this movie is a button, given in an instance name of button.
When B, C, D are clicked, they put text inside a text box.
The actions for this are assigned using frame actions.
The exact action is as given below:
menuItem1.minusButtonMovie.button.onRelease = function()
dummyText += "minus";
menuItem1.plusButtonMovie.button.onRelease = function()
dummyText += "plus";
menuItem1.minusButtonMovie2.button.onRelease = function()
dummyText += "minus";
(The real names of the movies are used above.)
The problem is that C, when clicked WILL NOT function.
If the instance name of C is changed then it will work fine!
(In the actual example, the movie that’s giving the problem is the one with the instance name of minusButtonMovie.)
Where am I going wrong?
OK… I think all of the above explanations may sound confusing!
So, I’ve attached the FLA (MX2004 format).
Any help would be appreciated.